Monday, February 6, 2012

robert and carmel marriage 16-1-2012

We got to the lawyers house at about 7pm in calcutta india,also with us were patricia,maya and sidney carmel's parents and daughter.The signing and thumb prints took us all about 2 hours.
Sidney went first,followed by another witness then maya carmel's mum.Finally it was me and carmel,once the signing was over,we said our vows and kissed,we were married at last.
then it was showing the cert by rob and carmel.
Then it was putting on the rings.
Happy family's.
Then the reception afterwith the 3 priest's,father paul anthony,father devraj and father pippin.
father devraj enjoying the meal.
the feast.
Having fun at the party.
The wedding cake.
Finally a toast.
All in all a wonderful day,the reception at carmels parents was so much fun with the 3 priests who blessed us and the rings with holy water,we had a chinese take out along with maya's excellent cooking as well,with pork curry and sausages.
We had plently of whisky and me and carmel cut the cake,a brillant day and so glad that rob and carmel are married after so long waiting.